Aston cantlow

village hall

Make a booking

Before making a booking:
  • ❓which rooms will you use?
  • ❓how much time will be needed to decorate and set up?
  • ❓how long will the actual event be?
  • ❓how long will it take to tidy up afterwards and lock up?
You can use the scheduler to check availability.
If you are a registered user you can make a booking request directly on the calendar by clicking on the + symbol for the date required and logging into the Hallmaster system. If you are not a registered user, please send your full name, address with postcode, email address and phone number through the Contact Us form. Don’t forget to include the date, start and end times and rooms you wish to book. The default is for the booking to have a public status - please ask for it to be private if this is inappropriate.
Your confirmation email will be sent and the event will appear in the booking schedule. Please verify your email address if requested. Making a booking is a contractual commitment to reserving those requested village hall facilities. You will be invoiced shortly after the event for the facilities and times as booked, as your booking will have precluded others from using those facilities at that time. Payment should be made within one calendar month of the invoice being issued. The Village Hall committee reserves the right to charge an additional administration fee of £25 for outstanding invoices that are not paid within the one month payment period.
Cancellation or amendment requests must be received before the booking date and time. If they are not, the booking fee as per the original request will still be incurred.
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